Complaints Policy
This complaints policy of International Management Services Ltd & Corporate Filing Services Ltd aims to deal with all complaints in a thorough and expeditious manner.
We always endeavour to exceed expectations with our services and hope that any issues can be resolved without the need for formal written complaints. However, where this is not possible, we will address your complaint in the following manner:
Formal complaints should be made in writing (which can be by email) and should be sent to the Managing Director (see contact details at the foot of this page).
We will provide to you within five working days of receipt of your complaint an acknowledgement that your complaint has been received and is being considered. The written acknowledgement will also provide you with the details of the person dealing with your complaint and their contact details.
We aim to resolve all formal complaints within a reasonable time and will stay in contact with you throughout the process.
Once a complaint is considered closed we will notify you in writing and set out the measures taken to resolve the complaint.
If our decision is that we do not uphold your complaint, we will notify you in writing stating the reason(s) for our decision.
Throughout the process to resolve your complaint we will do our best to keep you informed.
You can contact us at:
International Management Services Ltd / Corporate Filing Services Ltd
PO Box 61 Harbour Centre
George Town
Grand Cayman KY1-1102
Cayman Islands
+1 345 949 4244